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Board of Directors

Exterior photo of Firestone Hall at dusk

Old Trail School’s Board of Directors is comprised of men and women of diverse backgrounds and expertise. Parents, past-parents, grandparents, alumni and area residents are constituent groups most often serving as Board members. Old Trail School’s Board is primarily responsible for the following:

  • Determining Old Trail School’s Mission, Vision, Values and Purpose
  • Ensuring effective organizational planning
  • Selecting, supporting and assessing the Head of School
  • Exercising fiduciary responsibility and oversight
  • Ensuring legal and ethical integrity and maintaining accountability

2024-25 Board of Directors

Thomas Eaton III '92

Vice President
Susan McKenzie

Holly Little

John Cavanaugh

Joseph Albrecht
Mary Ball
Carl Blickle '94
Shereen Boyer
Johnny Buck
Christopher Cariño '93
Jessica Czekalinski
Mark Davey
John P. Debo, Jr.
Sucharita Ghosh
Cindy Harfouche

Ronald M. Harrington
Olivia Hochschwender
Jay Hofner
Priya Maseelall
Nathan Matuszewski
Michael Mure '01
Haley Preston '05
Beverly Shaklee
Aditya Soni
Brian Steere '95