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Primary School (K to Grade 2)

Primary School students in art class.
Dive into deeper learning.

A walk through the halls of our Primary School reveals children joyfully engaged in all types of learning—counting in Spanish, singing math facts, painting at the easel, writing an original book, creating props for Readers’ Theatre, and observing the parts of a sunflower. By completing these activities and reflecting on what they’ve learned, our students gain more depth and meaning from every learning experience than they would at other public and private elementary schools. 

Primary School students reading on the floor together.

We allow children’s individual interests to further their learning, developing children who learn for life, not just for school.
Amanda Irwin, Primary School and Early Childhood Director

Two Primary School students talk during recess.

For kindergarteners and first and second graders, the value of the intangible skills they develop far outweighs the technical knowledge they gain from classes and projects. As they prepare for more academic challenge in our Intermediate School, children accrue self-reliance, confidence and an eagerness to solve problems.

Teachers present academic concepts in ways that excite students about the topics and that offer an array of benefits for their overall wellness. For instance, our Primary School students participate in the daily mile, a wellness program that prioritizes outdoor exercise time for students and introduces countless learning opportunities in science, social studies and more.

Opening children to the full wonder of learning.

We celebrate childhood during these years of explosive cognitive growth. Research shows a child’s happiness directly correlates with academic achievement. Our school environment is truly ideal for children because it combines the best childhood experiences with the best educational practices delivered by passionate and skilled instructors—so your child is excited, engaged, and happy.

I came to Old Trail School in second grade. The OTS teachers literally changed my life. They encouraged what others would have called precocious. 

Piper Martin, OTS Alum

Overview and Philosophy

In a friendly, dynamic, flexible environment for children, students are encouraged to learn and grow by asking questions and thinking outside of the box. They explore together, gathering experiences that build their repertoire in the areas of oral speaking, concept building, problem solving, negotiation and character development.

  • Students benefit from enriching opportunities through participation in meaningful learning experiences, such as service-learning projects, field trips and group activities that are directly related to the curriculum.

  • Formal and informal assessments take place throughout the year, helping us create a complete picture of your child’s growth.
  • Children are thoughtfully transitioned from grade to grade, building upon their skills as academic, interpersonal, and organizational expectations increase.
A primary student practices sketching in an art room.

Primary School Curriculum