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Middle School Fellowship in Creativity

Students wait to be recognized during the Fellowship in Creativity assembly

Old Trail's innovative Middle School Fellowship in Creativity offers select Grade 7 and Grade 8 students the means to pursue a yearlong, independent study in the area of their choice, while being supported by a faculty member.

Through this approach, students have the opportunity to design their own learning while pursuing their passions and interests. Past topics have included a scientific study of Down syndrome, an exploration of Cleveland’s architecture and a full orchestra composition. 

"When working on my fellowship project, I felt a sense of power," recalled Lauren Stephens '21, whose project is listed below. "I was overjoyed by the success of the project, not just because of the finished look but also the journey I took to reach that point. It is one of my proudest accomplishments in my Old Trail career."

An OTS eighth grader proudly displays her Fellowship in Creativity project.

Old Trail is devoted to creating interactions, experiences and opportunities that ensure that all students have the means to pursue their interests and passions. The areas of study chosen for the Fellowship in Creativity are as varied and interesting as the students who chose them.

Erik Korvne, Fellowship in Creativity Director

Julian Farian '22: Video Documentary

A portrait of Julian Farian.
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A passionate history enthusiast, Julian Farian explored Old Trail School's rich past, tracing its journey from its founding in Akron over a century ago to its present home in Bath. Through the stories and voices of those who shaped its legacy, Julian brought the school’s history to life. He conducted interviews with eight OTS alumni and dedicated countless hours to curating and researching the material, culminating in the creation of an engaging documentary.

Lauren Stephens '21: Diversity Mural

A portrait of Lauren Stephens '21 at the graduation ceremony.

After a significant amount of research, thought, and conversations, Lauren Stephens spent months creating a mural that represents the many faces of Old Trail, makes a bold statement about our larger community, and honors the core values of the school: responsibility, kindness, service and goodness. 

Keith Hancock '20 – Instrumental Composition

A portrait of Keith Hancock '21 taken at graduation.


Keith envisioned a string quartet piece entitled “Four Seasons in Four Minutes: A Year at Old Trail from Summer to Summer.”  Keith’s “Four Seasons” takes a page from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons in that the fall and spring themes share similar melodies. Because Keith’s composition chronicles the school year, it starts at the tail end of summer and cycles back to summer at the end. The composition came together during the early months of the pandemic (the spring of 2020), bringing music to life during a time of isolation.

Alex Newman '20: Admissions Video

Alex Newman '20 poses for a photo at Old Trail's graduation ceremonies.

Alex Newman was always a constant ambassador for Old Trail and engaged people outside of the community on why Old Trail was her home. Combining her love of the performing arts, storytelling and Old Trail, Alex produced an engaging video about the arts at Old Trail for prospective families to view and understand the important role art plays at OTS.