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Alumni Giving

Exterior photo of Firestone Hall at dusk

Giving back to the place that gave you a start. Old Trail continues to thrive due to the generosity of generations of alumni and families who give back.

Whether your memories return to your favorite teacher, an important performance or game, or the lifelong friendships that began here, the common thread among Old Trail Alumni and their families is the impactful experiences had by students.

Giving to The OTS Fund is a message to students and faculty that they can count on alumni. Alumni giving participation matters. It is a vote of confidence in your alma mater, and is viewed as a measure of alumni satisfaction by independent school accreditation panels, major donors, foundations and more. The higher the participation rate, the more likely the Old Trail is to receive major gifts and foundation grants.

No gift is too small, and the sum of all gifts help us address the areas of greatest need and make the biggest impact on these critically important years of our students development. Thank you for your continued support. 

Intermediate students examine plants in science class.
Other Ways to Give

To pay by phone, please call 330.666.1118 ext 306. If paying by check, please make the check payable to Old Trail School, and mail to:

Old Trail School 
Attn: Development Office
P.O. Box 827
Bath, OH 44210